Her life

You saw her today and WOW,
she was looking awesome, happy, and yeah!! Such a beauty,
She responded smiling and you judged her
"Oh man! She's so easy!!"

How can you just judge?
Maybe she was just into grudge.
Maybe she didn't responded to your filthy looks,
Maybe that wasn't enough,
or Maybe it was too much!!

She was dying inside slowly-slowly,
and blame is on you, yes! its on you,
because you ruined her wholly.
She just asked you for some time,
She want to think or decide?
okay!whatever it is,
I don't think it's a crime.

You don't care because you don't know the pain,
you haven't suffered that blood rain.
They have been through it  again and again,
and still they can't abstain.

Ever did that with your sister?
okay leave, just talk to her about it.
hey hey? what happened now?
ohh!! am I talking shit?

I don't know what's happening to this world,
My mother told me its beautiful out there,
or maybe she was just talking about the faces,
Beautiful and happy faces are everywhere,
but pure HEARTS are rare.

PS: I just wanted to convey that if you don't know someone than please don't do something that might make their situation even more worst.

"Look for yourself and believe me you will find the whole world."


  1. Dont go this hard relax πŸ‘Œ great work

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Excellent...πŸ‘πŸ‘

  4. I enjoyed reading every single line.Good workπŸ™ˆπŸ‘»❤

  5. Good... Little grammatical errors(pedantry syndrome)... Rest love the way you wrote... And so descriptive... Nice.. keep up

    1. Thank you so much. And I will try to be more errorless πŸ™ˆ


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