
PART 1: Help others. You're someone, you mean something to someone. I know that being depressed is a new trend, but what if a person is really depressed? What if he or she really needs something or someone and they believe they're never gonna get. Let us think about these people for a minute. A person thinks that he doesn't deserve to be loved. Although many people love him more than he could imagine but he thinks no one does. Does that make him depressed? maybe NO! But it is not something positive for sure. I don't know how to change someone's mind or how to treat someone who is really depressed, but I do know how it feels when someone says that they LOVE YOU. So go out before it's too late. Let your feelings flow. Tell each and every person you love how important they're in your life, h ow much you are willing to risk just for the slightest possibility of bringing a smile. because that smile, my friend, sets everything right, even a FAKE...