

PART 1: Help others. You're someone, you mean something to someone. I know that being depressed is a new trend, but what if a person is really depressed? What if he or she really needs something or someone and they believe they're never gonna get. Let us think about these people for a minute. A person thinks that he doesn't deserve to be loved. Although many people love him more than he could imagine but he thinks no one does. Does that make him depressed? maybe NO! But it is not something positive for sure. I don't know how to change someone's mind or how to treat someone who is really depressed, but I do know how it feels when someone says that they LOVE YOU. So go out before it's too late. Let your feelings flow. Tell each and every person you love how important they're in your life, h ow much you are willing to risk just for the slightest possibility of bringing a smile. because that smile, my friend, sets everything right, even a FAKE...

Life's Musings.

"I can't live without you." Most the people reading this have heard this sentence from someone and obviously you would have believed them. Many of you people might know the truth by now but some are still in illusion. ITS A MYTH. A reason to tell yourself to stay for someone who isn't worthy just because you love them or just because you're so attached much and believe me its okay. Its okay to be attached, to love, to live , to die for someone but to a extend. Just because of some unworthy people you can't judge everyone. Never stop loving. You don't know.. but there is someone out there waiting for you with a lots of happiness just be patient. Be with that someone. Be afraid to lose that someone... your happy place. I won't make it so big that you start to scroll and skip. Just MOVE ON and explore beautiful life that is waiting for you. Be HAPPY and be AWESOME :)

Untold Words

I loved the good things, But I wanted to listen the one You never said. Because it could have helped me, in not being a livin' dead. You started it many times, But I didn't want it to end. I wish I could read the messages, That you never send. I told you that Its okay to leave my side. Don't you remember? I just wanted you to say it once that time. What difference does it makes? If it's April or November. You waited and waited and waited, Untill nothing left to be broken. And I was such an idiot, I held the gate open. Why to give me hope? When you have to snatch it back. Your smile, and sweetness darling. They worked as a perfect trap. I wish I knew the truth, When we were first time in bed. Because it could have helped me baby, in not being a livin' dead.

Distance: So Close Yet So Far.

Right there, the smile on your face that I used to bring. I loved that. That feeling you have right now for someone else. I want that. I don't know what did I've done to lose you. What did I do to that beautiful smile, What deed of mine created a distance of a mile. While missing you the memory flashes back making me sad Creating a void which is making me sad My emptiness is feeding on my happiness, Happiness that is fake, Not entirely- But it is. I wanted to complete you. I wanted to fill your voids. But how can I? You just said that goodbye! And I still wonder what mistake did i do to lose you in a while, What deed of mine created a distance of a mile. Can't we just love and live? Just forget and forgive. Are those wounds were so deep? Do you ever have that so-called peaceful sleep? Darling, I wanted you to walk on the aisle, I don't know what deed of mine created a distance of a mile.

।।बड़े होने का एहसास।।

यूँ तो आज भी मां की गोद में लेट जाता हूं। आज भी रो कर अपनी बात मानवता हूं। पर वो हर चीज़ का ना मिलना बड़े होने का एहसास करा गया। यूँ तो आज भी नटखट होकर गलती करता हूं। और फिर पापा की डांट से भी डरता हूँ। लेकिन वो पापा का कुछ न कहना बड़े होने का एहसास करा गया। यूँ तो आज भी ठोकर लग कर गिर जाता हूं। आज भी चोट खा कर छुप जाता हूं। पर वो मां को ना बताना बड़े होने का एहसास करा गया। यूँ तो आज भी वो बुरे लोग मुझे बुरे ही लगते है। आज भी उनके काम गलत लगते है। "पर वो मैं ही तो नही..." बड़े होने का एहसास करा गया। यूँ तो आज भी मन करता है कि बस पूरा दिन खेलता रहू। बस अपनी छोटी सी दुनिया में खुश रहू। पर वो भविष्य का सपना बड़े होने का एहसास करा गया। यूँ तो आज भी माँ गोद में सुला लेती है। और पापा डाँट भी देते है। पर लोगो का वो सबक.... बड़े होने का एहसास करा गया। -तुषार चौहान


He was called names, and the deed is so vile. But this was not expected, He just gave a cryptic smile. Some called it his patience,some said he's weak. Some thought he's wise, and some articulate that he cannot speak. But what if all of them are wrong, and he's the lyric of some unsung song. Don't underestimate the silence he hold, We're the planes on the earth, he might be wold. What if he had been through worse, and yet you dare. He survived that and tried to start this new life, but why do we care? We always have someone to rely and someone to blame. Why don't you try to act cool while you're on a burning flame. "You cannot break the thing you broke, and left broken, not anymore"                                                                                 ...

Why to change?

Why to change? Why to fight? Stop doing the deeds that aren't right. Just to feel something you've been trying since she left you alone in the darkest night. Why to change? Why to Die? If you can then be the brightest part of sky. Don't do anything which is based on a lie, because i know you man, you're not that guy. Why to change? Why to cry?  Just because you can't suffer a goodbye. Don't blame the luck and stop to try. you're not a bird but you can fly. Why to change? Why to hide? Why to grieve for the person who haven't died.